
Yahoo! Launches New Webcasting Solutions

Yahoo! announced on Thursday, the availability of new corporate communications solutions. In response to increased interest and demand for alternatives to traditional business communications, Yahoo! Broadcast Services (business.broadcast.com) is offering two new solutions for corporate conferences, sales meetings and trade shows: Virtual Conference and Executive Communications Center.

The Virtual Conference offers audio, video and informational slides that can be synched to an online presentation for live or on-demand events. The service also offers interactive tools such as document sharing and Q&A, in addition to live audience tracking and audience surveys. The other offering is the Executive Communications Center, or Breaking News Channel and is being deployed for rapid internal communications and meant for the delivery of high-level information, such as breaking news.

"Speaking with one voice to hundreds, or thousands, of internal and external contacts is an essential part of strategic business communications," said Jim Fanella, senior vice president of Yahoo!’s Business and Enterprise Services division. "Yahoo!’s solutions will allow companies to continue vital communications that were centered around large scale meetings and maintain critical and focused outreach to customers, sales forces and business partners."

Yahoo! Broadcast Services said its personnel would be available around the clock, seven days a week to acquire and distribute corporate broadcasts within four hours of receiving the request.

In other enterprise news, eSynch (www.esynch.com) and Vodium (www.vodium.com) teamed up to announce Secure MediaMosaic, an interactive presentation tool with digital rights management (DRM) support. This combines Vodium's video search and presentation capabilities with eSynch's rights management technology, to let companies set up events and manage users.

"Vodium is pleased to offer eSynch's DRM product within our rich media publishing platform," said Cameron Clarke, founder and CEO of Vodium. "The integration delivers a valuable solution to our resellers and customers who have been asking for a secure, sophisticated content presentation capability."

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