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YouTube Now Receives 60 Hours of Video Each Minute

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In May, 2011, as YouTube turned six, the top online video destination announced that it received 48 hours of video each minute. How quickly that has changed. Today, less than a year later, YouTube announced that it now receives 60 hours of video each minute. That's an entire hour of uploaded material each second.

Those videos aren't going unwatched, the company notes. Viewers now watch over four billion YouTube views every day. That number is a 25 percent surge from only eight months before. It's the equivalent, YouTube notes, of more than half the world's population watching a video every day.

To commemorate the milestone, YouTube created OneHourPerSecond.com, a clever animated site that demonstrates how much video is uploaded while everyday tasks take place. For example, one million babies are born in one minute three seconds; in that time, YouTube gets over two-and-a-half days of video. Here's a video from the site, showing what else happens in a YouTube second:

YouTube hopes to greatly increase its viewership this year with the ambitious rollout of original content channels. News agency Reuters, for example, recently launched a YouTube channel with 10 programs.

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