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comScore Looks at Global Viewing; 200B Videos Viewed in October

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Online measurement company comScore is broadening its scope and, for the first time, offering a global look at video viewing. It found that, for the month of October 2011, almost 1.2 billion people 15-and-older viewed 201.4 billion videos.

YouTube is the biggest global video server, as two out of every five videos viewed came from the site. Google sites (which includes YouTube) served 88.3 billion videos that month, for 43.8 percent of the total.

Google is followed by Youku (4.6 billion), Vevo (3.7 billion), Facebook (2.6 billion), and Dwango (2.5 billion). Youku is a Chinese site, while Dwango is Japanese.

"As global broadband connectivity continues to rise, online video viewing has taken off in a big way and has become a fully integrated component of the digital content experience," says Dan Piech, comScore product manager for video. "With the introduction of comScore's global measurement of online video viewing, multinational media brands and advertisers can now gain a more comprehensive understanding of how online video reaches audiences around the world."

comScore is also giving a look at how citizens in each country view online video. Canadians have the highest average, viewing 303.7 videos per week. That's followed by the U.S. (286.3), U.K. (268.6), Turkey (250.7), and Germany (250.6). Japan, France, Spain, Hong Kong, and Singapore round out the top ten. Online videos reach the highest percentage of the population in Turkey, where 93.6 percent of the Internet-using adult population watched online video in October.

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