
sputnik7.com Gets $7 Million in Second Round Financing

Who says content is dead?

Online entertainment network sputnik7.com ( http://www.sputnik7.com) got $7 million round in second rounding funding from RELIGHT, L.L.C. and Avalon Investments.

sputnik7.com shows off a mix of entertainment like music and video, film, anime and animation.

sputnik7.com recently formed a partnership with RES Media Group (RMG), theproducers of the RESFEST touring film festival and RES: TheMagazine of Digital Filmmaking.

"With this additional economic support, we can leverage what we have beenbuilding for two years," said David Beal, CEO of sputnik7.com. "The fundingwill allow us to further develop our infrastructure, expand our catalogue ofintellectual property, and develop new audiences through strategic marketinginitiatives."

"sputnik7.com is one of the more interesting content providers on theInternet. With its distinctive and broad approach to content distribution,sputnik7.com is a very exciting entertainment site and a logical company toinvest in if you are interested in rich content distribution over theInternet," said Daniel Langlois, President of RELIGHT, L.L.C.

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