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What Works Now? Big Screens and Multiscreen Video Campaigns

The online video landscape is constantly changing, but online video ad company Tremor Video wants to keep you up-to-date. Tremor created an infographic to highlight its Q2 2015 findings, results that come from over 40 billion ad calls on the Tremor Video platform during the first two quarters of this year.

TremorForward1Where are online viewers now? Watching on bigger screens than ever. Tremor found that viewers are watching more video on players 400 pixels or larger. That's good news for advertisers because viewers are 3.6 times more likely to complete a video ad on a larger player.

Tremor also found that people use different devices for video viewing at different times of day. Desktop computer viewing is high in the afternoon and peaks just about the time work is ending. Connected television and tablet viewing spikes during primetime hours. Smartphone viewing is consistent all day long.

That shifting viewing pattern is likely one reason why video advertisers are choosing to run multi-screen campaigns. Tremor says 7 out of 10 advertisers do so.

The top categories for online video advertising campaigns are consumer packaged goods (CPG), entertainment, automotive, travel, and retail.

For much more, including the regional appeal of different types of online video content, check out the infographic below.


Troy Dreier's article first appeared on OnlineVideo.net

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