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VideoGenie Debuts StoryBox, Earned Media Collection Tool

Since it launched in 2010, San Francisco, California-based VideoGenie has been known for its stellar online video earned media tools, which give clients an easy way to solicit video testimonials from customers and then feature those videos on their sites. Today, VideoGenie introduced the latest earned media tool in its toolset: StoryBox.

StoryBox1People enjoy using a wide range of social platforms -- such as Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Vine -- and StoryBox lets brands collect submissions from all of them and display the results in a visually engaging way. Not only can customers submit videos with a built-in webcam, they can also submit videos, images, and text through their favorite social platforms.

Experiencing StoryBox gets the idea across must faster: Outdoor clothing company Mountain Hardwear has been using StoryBox pre-release for its Finding Winter campaign. Visit the site to see a scrollable wall of submitted images. Small icons show which are playable videos and which are tweets or pictures. Click on any one of them to get a better look. Videos start playing and tweets open to show the text and the accompanying image.

The overall result is of an engaged fanbase that loves exploring the outdoors in their Mountain Hardwear gear.

Online learning platform Chegg has also been using StoryBox: Students are encouraged to show how they do good in order to win a summer internship. Viewers can see the submissions and vote for their favorites.

Backend analytics helps StoryBox prominently feature more compelling content. The tool keeps track of which submissions encourage viewers to stick around longer, and automatically displays those images and videos more prominently and frequently. Submissions aren't limited to the brand website, but can be featured in video or banner ads, or in interactive ads on Facebook.

VideoGenie has always believed that genuine customer feedback is the most persuasive marketing tool around. With StoryBox, it harnesses a variety of social platforms to create even more engaging experiences.


Mountain Hardwear uses StoryBox for its Finding Winter campaign.

Troy Dreier's article first appeared on OnlineVideo.net

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