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Felicia Day Offers 6 Tips on Creating Videos with Brands

In the world of online video, there's no bigger star than Felicia Day, creator and star of "The Guild," and now the creator of her own YouTube channel, Geek & Sundry.

Day has spent her career making online video entertainment with the financial support of major brands. At the recent Digitas NewFront conference, she offered six tips for getting along with corporate sponsors:

Know Your Audience

"I personally know my audience and I always put my audience first," said Day. If you're fortunate enough to have an online following, respect them and their tastes. Don't jeopardize their trust by adding in products or messages that will offend them.

Be Conscious of the Brand

At the same time, you need to be aware of the sponsor's wishes. "It's a balance," noted Day. If a brand has hired you to create sponsored videos, they trust what you do. Be aware that the video reflects on the brand, so don't do anything that will put the brand in a bad light.

Always Deliver

Deliver the kind of creative results that the brand trusts you to make. If the people behind the brand know that they can trust your judgment, they'll be hands-off for future projects. "They know that they don't necessarily have to control what I do because I set a precedent by making things with a conscientiousness in mind," said Day.

Keep the Creative Voice Sacred

"We have a lot of big players moving into the space," said Day. Big money has a way of stifling the creative voice. Both brands and creators need to remember what makes online video distinct from television.

Be Open to Opportunities

"There are a lot more opportunities for funding, and portals for getting stuff out there," noted Day. The rapidly expanding area of online video has created a landscape full of opportunities. Be open to it all as you create your work.

Build in Feedback Mechanisms

"Everything I make, I always want to have an opportunity for people to be reactive," said Day. The conversation isn't just between the creator and the brand. Listen to the audience's voice, as well, to learn what you're doing right or wrong. They'll tell you.

To view the entire interview (used courtesy of Beet.TV), watch the full video below.

Troy Dreier's article first appeared on OnlineVideo.net

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