Vidyard Releases Super-Comprehensive Video Marketing Handbook
It's amazing what you can get for free on the internet.
Video marketing solutions company Vidyard has just released its Video Marketing Handbook, a free PDF (registration required), that guides the beginning video marketer through story creation, video production, strategy, optimization, and performance measurement. No simple freebie, this is 105-page book is dense with statistics, expert commentary, and practical advice from experts who have been there.
To give you an idea what to expect, here are a few Q&As from the handbook:
Q: Do all of my videos have to have a polished, professional look?
A: Not at all - sometimes scrappy works.
Your concept will dictate how fancy you get with video marketing. You can create something valuable in just one take (similar to the Jay Today videos shot with an iPhone), or you can simply repurpose your recorded webinars as chaptered, educational video content. Scrappy works, it's just about finding the right opportunities.
Q: I don't have a large budget. What should I focus on for great videos?
A: Budget aside, lighting and audio are key!
Even if you're making small videos to start, be sure to capture amazing lighting and audio as these are two things that - despite fantastic content - people will notice. You can watch the third episode of our Video 101 series to learn more about what to watch out for with lighting in particular.
Q: If I want a video for a campaign, how far in advance should I contact a video production agency?
A: This will range per production house or videographer, but usually you'll want to book your project 6-8 weeks in advance of the delivery date. 10-13 weeks for particularly complex projects.
If you follow this timeline, this usually allows your creatives to have a schedule like this one:
- 1 week to download the brief and research options
- 1-2 weeks for concept development
- 1-2 weeks to lock down the script and pre-production details
- 1 week block for production (although most shoots are 1-2 days)
- And finally, 2-3 weeks for post-production
Q: If making videos in-house, how much time should I designate to a video shoot? A: Anticipate many takes when shooting your videos and over-anticipate your prep time.
In our experience, B2B product details are easy to script, but difficult to get right when you try getting your on-screen talent to deliver the points naturally on camera. Make sure your sentences are short, conversational, and give your speakers adequate time to prepare. It might take many takes to get the details down.
Impressed? Download The Video Marketing Handbook from Vidyard. Now watch this clever promotional video Vidyard created.
Troy Dreier's article first appeared on