
SoftwareWow and Link Technologies Partner

SoftwareWow.com (http://www.softwarewow.com) today announced a partnership with Link Technology International Ltd ( http://www.link-tec.com). Link Technology is a UK based systems integrator that delivers software products and Internet services through a network of channel partners.

Link Technology will incorporate SoftwareWow's streaming software technology into its customers' e-businesses and enterprise networks. The first joint customer of the partnership is Aerospace Club 2000 (http://www.aerospaceclub2000.com), a Vortal for suppliers to the Aerospace and Defense industries with more than 1200 members.

SoftwareWow will be streaming Link Technology's popular EuroFind-Pro, software that delivers a suite of tools for the identification, euro conversion, and control of currency in desktop spreadsheets and databases. SoftwareWow is in the process of building a network of streaming software servers in the UK.

According to Harry Ruda, CEO of SoftwareWow, the expansion into Europe is purely demand driven. SoftwareWow is currently investigating expansion opportunities in continental Europe and South America.

SoftwareWow's streaming platform provides the foundation for software rental services and subscription services. Ruda believes that the strongest selling point for the software is the ease of use for the consumer. SoftwareWow is currently in the process of enabling Zdnet's download center to be relaunched in late fall as a streaming software center.

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