Enterprise Video Streaming Applications and Products
Building a Streaming System
So how can an enterprise use visual communications to enhance morale and increase productivity, without spending millions of dollars? In the next example, you’ll see how an enterprise can build a streaming video system without breaking the bank.
Let’s start with a streaming video appliance. This product accepts standard NTSC video and audio from camera or other video source and connects to your standard Ethernet network. Voila! You now have a streaming system that can reach hundreds of people for under $5000.
Now, we can improve the video for the local employees by streaming MPEG-2- compressed, DVD-quality video on the LAN, while we simultaneously stream lower-quality video over the Internet to the remote employees. This can be done by upgrading the streaming appliance to a dual encoder. The price remains under $10,000. In addition, we can add several low-cost set-top boxes that will allow groups of people to view the video on standard TV monitors.
Next, let’s add the capability to record any video stream and make it available on demand. By purchasing a video-on-demand server an enterprise can make any recorded video available to employees both inside and outside the corporate location. Video-on-demand servers vary greatly in price, but typical starter systems run about $15,000. In addition, we can add a media control server that will provide an easy-to-use interface for PC and TV users, allowing them to select and view both live and stored streams. Like the video-on-demand servers, these can vary in price, but they generally start at $5000.
We now have built a full video distribution system that can permit thousands of employees to watch training videos, company broadcasts, product introductions, and even news programs all for under $30,000. The next step is the return on the investment. Where are the savings and how fast can we get a payback on the system?
Typically the savings will come from several areas:
-Travel savings—train employees and partners remotely
-Time to market—better information distribution allows companies to design and launch new products more quickly, getting a jump on competition
Employee morale—more personal communications with employees leads to happier employees and therefore more productive employees
-Informing Customers—announce new products using streaming video and reach your audiences quicker and with more effective messages.
Streaming video systems are a valuable tool for enterprises to improve communications, which results in faster growth and healthier bottom line. New techniques have made streaming video a low-cost, easy-to-use alternative to non-visual methods. It’s easy to see why major financial institutions, aircraft manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, and educational institutions have implemented these types of video solutions.
For more information about transporting video over IP, please see Sidebar 1.
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