Streams of Thought: Everything Old Is New Again
Adobe also got into the metadata game, demonstrating the way that it could carry metadata out of the editing system and into the distribution system via a link between Premiere Pro and Flash. While there are still several significant bottlenecks where metadata is lost in the acquisition-production-post distribution cycle, the new media industry is finally pulling traditional postproduction and broadcast shops into the "save the metadata" camp. More on these metadata gaps can be found in the Digital Media section of my blog at (look for "The Metadata Conundrum" posts).
A final trend at the show was a move toward mobile video. With broadcasters already the firm owners of the television screen and rapidly making inroads into the desktop/laptop screen, mobile video represents an ability to take lessons from the early days of streaming media and leverage new ad-based revenue models, especially ads that are highly geographically focused. As a complement to the trend toward mobile video, Createcna showed off its European award-winning video reporting tool, 3G Mobile Studio, which allows reporters with a video-equipped 3G phone to stream video back to their newsrooms while watching their anchors live on their screens. This allows for interaction between reporters and anchors in real time with no discernable lag.