Biographical Information

Mark Mayne

European Editor

Mark Mayne has been covering the bleeding edge new media industry for the last two years, both as a freelance and a daily news journalist. Previously he worked for the Telegraph and the FT groups, and holds a BA in English literature. Mark recently joined, launching and editing the European site from London, UK.

Articles for Mark Mayne

Convergence - new dog plays old tricks

It's new and shiny, but convergence presents the music and film industries with the same old problems, with a new twist. What are they up to?

Virage goes German

Exclusive: Streaming company comes to Vienna through partner deal.

Digital media downloads – where’s the consumer dollar?

Offline media sells good, but online media sells bad. Consumer focussed digital media companies are facing the music.

Streamcase Eyeshape of market

Belgian streaming company launches content management platform.

RealNetworks/Symbian launch mobile video

Companies get world commercial first with Nokia 9210 clips.

EC investigates BskyB

Mario Monti’s team continues to show teeth.

BT - the bad boy again?

BT recently announced two deals with ITV Digital and Sky Digital, thereby offering home telephone, internet access and digital TV in one convenient package. The monopolistic behemouth has an eye for the seedling iTV market, but will the current competitors see it coming?

Streamway/Teleglobe launch digital video service

The two companies have partnered to provide an SLA-defined 24/7 Internet Digital Video Service

Mean Fiddler to launch iTV channel

Festival and club organiser Mean Fiddler has embraced iTV.

Orange gets French Premier League rights

Orange France has won the rights to streaming video in France – but at what cost?

RealNetworks focussed on Europe

RealNetworks discloses flurry of deals, and looks to the wireless future

Strawberries an' stream

Strawberries, a Dutch streaming technology provider, has launched a streaming advertising banner.

From Stream to River?

Streaming media is rapidly becoming an essential tool for European businesses and consumers alike - so where is the industry headed?

Nokia announces mPlatform Advertising

Mobile company launches multimedia advert platform