Biographical Information

Joey Manley


Articles for Joey Manley

We’re Fighting Just Like You Are

Difficult times call for proactive change. VP, Interactive Joey Manley explains our new registration policy for

What Can We Learn from the Success of Videogames?

In the midst of the dot-crash, one form of digital media entertainment has continued to thrive, and even grow.

Back to Our Roots

The business majors had it wrong: Passion for the Web, not money, is what drove many of us to the "dot-com revolution," and it is passion that will enable us to succeed in the future. In the first installment of his new weekly column, Joey Manley comments on the spirit of the industry.

It's the End of the World as We Know it

VP Interactive Joey Manley muses over the state of business on the Web in his monthly column for Streaming Media Magazine.

Stream of Consciousness: Community Service

In his monthly column for Streaming Media Magazine, VP Interactive Joey Manley says community applications can help you hone your offering. Let them build it, and more will come.

Stream of Consciousness: Integrate or Disintegrate

In his monthly column for Streaming Media Magazine, VP Interactive Joey Manley tells us why the companies and individuals in the middle tier of streaming media services — enterprise-wide integration and digital asset management — will thrive.

(Not) Waiting for Broadband

In his monthly column for Streaming Media Magazine, VP Interactive Joey Manley, tells you how to win the broadband war before it starts — by focusing on narrowband success.

Stream of Consciousness: Stream What You Know

Leave the opportunistic guessing game behind, and focus on content you like, says Streaming Media, Inc. VP Interactive Joey Manley, in his latest monthly column for Streaming Media Magazine.

Commentary: Forget the Masses

If streaming is to replace television and radio as the leading entertainment medium, content creators need to stop following old-media rules. Our own Joey Manley takes a look at recent streaming history and maintains that, in a 10,000-channel universe, "accidental viewers" won't happen.

Content Critique:

Our industry cannot continue to thrive until we have, collectively and individually, created truly high-quality and compelling content. We think the best way to get there is to look at examples of good and bad content, and talk about why that content is what it is. As part of our continued coverage of the streaming media content world, our GM Joey Manley kicks off his monthly commentary with a critique of

Cover Story: Wishlist -- 5 Features We'd Like to See in the Next Generation of Streaming Media Players

Every so often, RealNetworks or Microsoft releases a new version of its Player. Like dominoes, all the other vendors in the player space follow suit, attempting to match the leaders feature-for-feature. In addition to (presumably) better audio and video quality, the new players almost always tout features designed to improve usability and consumer convenience: channels, guides, search boxes, etc. Too often, these features are more about increasing co-branding and co-marketing opportunities for the vendor and its partners than they are truly about convenience. In this editorial, we look at some features that really would add convenience, both to consumers and to producers.

Editorial: Dancing as Fast As We Can

by Joey Manley

Why Is Microsoft So Excited?

As is often the case in this industry, the facts of the recently announced licensing of WMA by RealNetworks are not as earth-shattering as they may appear.