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Biographical Information

Damien Stolarz


Damien is a technical entrepreneur with fifteen years of experience making computers talk to each other. He has spoken widely on Internet video, content delivery, and peer-to-peer technology, and recently wrote the book Mastering Internet Video He is the founder of Robotarmy Corp. , a software and hardware consultancy and R&D house which does multimedia engineering amongst other secret projects. Earlier, Damien co-founded (aka Blue Falcon Networks, now in 1995, where in his long tenure as Chief Technology Officer he led the development of numerous technologies, including an online service, networked multiplayer games, and peer-to-peer cost-reduction software for video streaming. Damien holds a B.S. in Computer Science/Engineering from UCLA.

Articles for Damien Stolarz

Unplugged: Giving Up Broadcast TV

In this installment of his Emerging Media column, Damien Stolarz tries to get off the broadcast TV grid entirely, and finds it's not so easy.
Fri., Jan. 25, by Damien Stolarz

Emerging Media: Format Wars Forever

We've seen it before—VHS vs. Betamax—and we're still seeing it elsewhere—Blu-ray vs. HD DVD. But competing business models mean that, for online video at least, the battle of the formats rages yet again.

Emerging Media: The Cookie Monster

The proliferation of new media channels presents an interesting conundrum: How will consumers be able to afford all these new services? The answer? Cookies.
Fri., June 29, by Damien Stolarz

Emerging Media: The Cookie Monster

The proliferation of new media channels presents an interesting conundrum: How will consumers be able to afford all these new services?

Monetizing Podcasts and Videoblogs

Any business built around podcasts and videoblogs has to start with the fundamentals: Compelling content that can be exchanged with an audience for their attention. Still, the past two years have taught us many lessons about how we can turn that exchange into a successful business model.
Wed., May 23, by Damien Stolarz

Emerging Media: The Big Apple

Apple's no longer satisfied with competing in the computer market. Instead, announcements like the iPhone show that the company is looking at what it will take to replace the brick-and-mortar, big-box consumer electronics giants.
Tues., Feb. 20, by Damien Stolarz

Commentary: How Many Times Can the Same Content be Monetized?

Somewhere between "buy once, play anywhere" and "pay for it again and again for each new device" lies a reasonable approach to remonetizing content without alienating consumers.
Mon., Jan. 22, by Damien Stolarz

Emerging Media: Remonetizing Content: How Many Times?

Despite the idiosyncrasies of Web 2.0, staid businesspeople are listening to the story and trying to figure out how to remonetize content online as well, adding yet another "window" to the revenue-generation lifespan.