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Jon Silk


Articles for Jon Silk

The sound of streaming

For those unable to make it to London for Streaming Media Europe 2001, the audio-on-demand resources have now launched!

Petition aims to change broadband landscape

There's no such thing as a free lunch

Streaming Media Europe 2001

Over 4,500 senior industry professionals headed down to London's ExCeL for the key date in everyone's calendar - Streaming Media Europe 2001. Jon Silk takes a look at what was on show...

Everyone's invited to dinner

Storylines such as 'George stirs up Justin and helps fire-fighter Jake find his hose' have ensured a global distribution agreement.

Streaming video talk of Tokyo

As long as you're within 30 miles of the Japanese capital you're now capable of high quality streaming video over your mobile phone. Jon Silk reports.

DoCoMo launches streaming platform, announces delay

Alleged 3G saviour suffers eleventh-hour setback

Streaming delay on DoCoMo 3G

DoCoMo in FOMA video trials

Matsushita and NEC in 3G video alliance

Citing the need for streaming media as the main driver, the two leading Japanese mobile handset manufacturers have signed an alliance to jointly develop next-generation devices.