Biographical Information

Dee McVicker

Dee McVicker is a freelance writer specializing in streaming media, and has spent 10 years in the broadcast industry. Her byline has appeared in Billboard, Technology Review, Internet Week, and, among others.

Articles for Dee McVicker

Configuring Servers for Streaming, Part Two

Contributor Dee McVicker outlines tips and techniques for maximizing performance, from the network down on to the microprocessor.

Configuring Servers For Streaming

[Two-Part Article] Contributor Dee McVicker discusses tips and techniques for maximizing performance, from the network on down to the microprocessor

Sure-Fire Tips for Encoding High-Quality, Low-Bandwidth Audio, Part 2

In the second of two parts, we outline editing and encoding tips to deliver high-quality audio to the dial-up and mobile phone network crowd.

Sure-Fire Tips for Encoding High-Quality, Low-Bandwidth Audio, Part 1

In the first of a two-part tutorial, contributor Dee McVicker runs though some helpful recording and encoding tips to deliver high-quality audio to the dial-up and mobile phone network crowd.

Choosing The Right Capture Solution

With a host of recent changes in capture boards, contributor Dee McVicker surveys the options available for pros, prosumers and consumers.

SimulStream, The Theory and Reality

ViewCast’s SimulStream is a $599 software upgrade for ViewCast Osprey capture board owners, which gives users the ability to simultaneously encode multiple streams of audio and video at different resolutions and bit rates, from a single board.

Multi-format Encoding: No Sweat for FlipFactory

Telestream’s new transcoder and media delivery system is limber enough for even the most rigorous multi-format, multi-bit rate workout, but you’ll have to let loose with some greenbacks to get it. Contributor Dee McVicker takes a closer look at the system in this review.

Pulling Back the Curtain on MPEG-4

MPEG-4 finally shows its face with the release of Philips’ WebCine Encoder, Server and Player. Contributors Dee McVicker and Chuck Adams look under the lid to see if MPEG-4’s general release debut is the fantastical beast of which we’ve heard tale, or something a little more down to earth.

Putting the Squeeze on LSX-MPEG Suite 2.0

Ligos’ new MPEG transcoder acts like a vise on video files to bring them down to Internet size, but users will need to get a grip on the physics of compression in order to use it. Contributor Dee McVicker goes deep into the transcoder to see if it's worth its $399 price.