Biographical Information

Bern Solnik

Vice President of Production

240-645-1234 xt. 113
Bern Solnik directs production services for IceWEB Communications, Inc., a business-to-business broadcasting company specializing in tools and services for interactive streaming multimedia. Before entering the streaming media industry, Bern received a bachelors degree from Duke University and a law degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and then practiced business and telecommunications law for four years. As streaming technology developed, Bern started a technical consultancy specializing in live broadcasts for television and the Internet. Bern's clients included the World Wrestling Federation, with whom he helped pioneer Microsoft's Windows Media technology, and Discovery Communications, Inc., where he helped develop and produce "Science Live!," a weekly live webcast and television show. Bern then joined LEarningStream, Inc., where he designed and implemented encoding and webcasting products and services. As Vice PResident at IceWEB, Bern designs, implements and manages on-demand and live business-to-business streaming products and services.

Articles for Bern Solnik

StreamOS: Bring the Weights, It Will Do the Lifting

Hiding the complexity of CDN selection and management from customers, NaviSite's StreamOS is simple enough for a child to use and powerful enough to deliver some of the world's most streamed webcasts. Contributor Bern Solnik takes StreamOS for a spin to see if it really is "all that."

StreamGenie Presenter: Killing Several Birds with One Stone

With TV quality video production, powerful encoding and streaming, and a business presentation capability, Pinnacle's StreamGenie Presenter looks stellar on paper. Contributor Bern Solnik finds out how well it works in the real world.