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Biographical Information

Michael Hallinan


Michael Hallinan is the COO of MediaMerx, the online marketplace to syndicate digital video to emerging markets. Michael’s background transcends technology, systems integration and international development. As a Captain in the Marine Corps, Michael has six years of experience planning, installing and operating over 20 voice, data, and satellite networks in Australia, Kenya, Kuwait, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Iraq and Hurricane Katrina ravaged parts of the US.    Michael received the Navy-Marine Corps Achievement Medal for leading 50 Marines with “inexhaustible energy” in Fallujah, Iraq. He also received a Navy Commendation Medal for leading 50 engineers in deploying wireless networks throughout Asia and the Middle East. Michael is the founder of Semper Fi House, a community support initiative for Marines and a board member of The Way of Grace Development Corporation, which is developing social and physical infrastructure in the war torn country of Liberia. Prior to the Marine Corps, Michael founded Student Media Group, which distributed student media nationally for companies such as AT&T and Citibank. Michael has also held various positions at Merrill Lynch, the US Senate and the US Department of Justice. Michael holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs from Georgetown University. 

Articles for Michael Hallinan

A WiMAX Primer

WiMAX might still be unproven on a wide scale, but the trends toward commercializing the technology—global adoption, low hardware prices, large corporate backing and favorable price-performance ratio—are all evident. Here's an introduction to the technology.
Tues., Aug. 28, by Michael Hallinan