Biographical Information

Todd Loewenstein

Todd Loewenstein has more than 6 years experience in the streaming media industry. Currently, he is the CEO of ArcoStream, a streaming services and webhosting provider to companies such as the Rolling Stones Fan Club, Country Music Television, and Microsoft. Previously, Loewenstein served as Vice President of Entertainment Streaming Services for Evoke Communications, a major hosting and delivery company for streaming audio and video services. While at Evoke, Loewenstein led a team of salespeople that targeted customers in need of streaming services. Loewenstein developed solid relationships with companies as diverse as Capitol Records, Radio Free Virgin, (Country Music Television / The Nashville Network), New Line Cinema, Paramount Studios, and Launch. Mr. Loewenstein began his Internet experience as the first salesperson hired at InterVU Inc. He was responsible for initiating and developing relationships with accounts such as CNN, Turner Broadcasting, Microsoft, Ralston Purina, Bell South, and the House of Blues. Prior to joining InterVU, Loewenstein was employed as a Strategic Analyst by The Weather Channel, a major US and International cable TV Network. Loewenstein also served as one of the original staff members of The Weather Channel Latin America (El Canal del Tiempo), and has experience in establishing relationships with major cable TV operators and programmers in Latin America. Loewenstein received his MBA in Marketing from the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota and completed International Management courses taught at ESADE in Barcelona, Spain. He graduated with honors with a B.A. in History from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.

Articles for Todd Loewenstein

The Economics Of The Streaming Service Provider Business

As the amount of digital content companies produce continues to climb, the number of streaming network providers, which reached an all time high in 2000, steadily Todd Loewenstein