Biographical Information

Shai Berger

GM Streaming Services

416-366-2500 x223
Shai Berger is the General Manager of Streaming Services at Keynote where he leads the team responsible for Streaming Perspective, the industry standard for streaming performance measurement. His involvement in the industry from its earliest days has given Shai the expertise necessary to understand both the technical and economic issues that drive the use of streaming in the entertainment, educational and enterprise markets. Formerly, Shai lead the Streamcheck team from its groundbreaking launch in August of 2000 until its acquisition by Keynote in July 2003. Shai has a degree in Engineering Physics and a Master's degree in Applied Science from University of Toronto. He was previously in the fiber optics technology field where he worked on some of the earliest optical networking devices.

Articles for Shai Berger

Measuring and Monitoring Streaming Media Quality

How can you judge the quality of your streaming media (and the success of the overall project) if you don’t have a yardstick? In the biz, such yardsticks are called metrics. Here’s a guide to understanding streaming quality metrics and how to set up streaming quality tests.