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First universal NDI®4 to HDMI converter

Thanks to its additional developments, the new DELTA-neo N2H firmware V2.0 is the first standalone converter that utilizes NDI®4.0 with next generation NDI®|HX technology. This makes DELTA-neo N2H fully compliant with any NDI® sender device.

Liège - Belgium(08 Jun 2020)

Technological standards quickly evolve over time as well as your needs and your expectations. At DELTACAST the focus is set on the integration of such parameters into new releases of our products.

DELTA-neo N2H standalone converter fills an important gap for all video content viewing applications across the NDI® ecosystem. DELTA-neo N2H allows you to decode NDI® streams and visualize them on a wide range of HDMI™ 2.0 display devices, TV screens and video projectors.

By supporting NDI® version 4 DELTA-neo N2H includes the latest NDI libraries for higher compatibility.

DELTA-neo N2H is the first standalone converter that utilizes NDI®4.0 with next generation NDI®|HX technology.

DELTA-neo N2H is fully compliant with any NDI® sender device, including any NDI® camera and NDI®|HX Capture app on iOS mobile device (iPhone, iPad)

DELTA-neo N2H firmware v2.0 also includes higher performance for NDI source discovery and new network operating modes by adding:

  • "Discovery Server" function, which supports discovering NDI devices across network segments
  • Multicast source support.

Finally, remaining aware about economical requirements, the DELTA-neo N2H V2.0 is sold at a competitive price.


 DELTACAST is a pioneer provider in the world of live TV production.

The company’s products rely on a set of proprietary high-technology software and hardware modules: sensor-free tracking systems, image processing algorithms, adaptive chroma-keying, high-quality 3-D engine, formats converters.

DELTACAST also performs specific projects for the professional TV broadcast market (TV game software, Virtual Director, TV show automation).