Millicast Gears up for Prime Time with AV1 and Server-Side Ad Insertion for Live, Sub-Second Latency Video Broadcasting
Millicast, the online platform for streaming live video with sub-second latency, announces support for real-time AV1 encoding, and server-side ad-insertion for WebRTC.
Valencia, CA(03 Sep 2019)
Among its many advantages, the AV1 codec provides higher quality video and superior compression over previous codecs. It is a game changer for the entire streaming industry, and is set to soon become the standard for all online video. AV1 also includes some specific features that make it a perfect codec for Real-Time Communications, be it video conferencing or streaming, namely support for layered codecs (SVC), and support for the Secure Real-Time Protocol (SRTP). Cisco was recently the first to demonstrate real-time AV1 software encoding for WebRTC video-conferencing in their Webex platform, just days later, Millicast was the first to publicly demo real-time AV1 encoder support in WebRTC for one-to-many broadcasting.
“Our support for the AV1 codec is a major step toward sub-second, real-time latency becoming the standard in the prime time live streaming marketplace.“ said Millicast CEO Richard Blakely. “We are especially excited to see how this will help transform the live broadcasting industry as it continues towards OTT”
In order for WebRTC streaming to be truly ready for “prime time”, sub-second latency is not enough. Traditional revenue models also need to be supported: e.g. advertisements and content-based business models. In response to this demand, Millicast is now introducing real-time server-side ad-insertion for WebRTC.
The streaming advertising ecosystem is organized around SCTPE-35 markers for insertion, and VAST requests to ad-content brokers like AdSense for Video by Google (AVF), which serves ad-content for insertion in traditional formats like HLS and MPEG-DASH. The new Millicast technology extends WebRTC to support real-time server-side ad-insertion from any existing ad broker that supports VAST requests.
Millicast CTO Dr. Alex Gouaillard stated “We live at the forefront of WebRTC technology and we are eager to provide a solution that enables live content providers to eliminate latency without eliminating their sources of revenue. This will certainly help bring real-time streaming to the masses, and will finally eliminate the problems associated with the streaming of live sports and events.”
For more information on Millicast real-time server-side ad-insertion, please join the first Visual Cloud Conference collaboratively set up by IBC and INTEL on Friday September 15th. You can also set up a meeting with our team at IBC. Visit or call (213) 340-4104.
About Millicast Inc.
Millicast is the world’s first platform-as-a-service for end-to-end WebRTC based, sub-second live video broadcasting to any device, to any size audience.
Our mission is to be the fastest, most advanced and reliable live streaming service in the world. We provide instant access, enabling you to begin streaming your live content within a minute of signing up, as well as an API for more custom workflows and use cases. We cater primarily to those who cannot compromise on latency, such as sports broadcasting, gaming, auctions, betting, security, financial news, virtual reality, IoT, and more. We would love to learn about your streaming initiatives and help you discover how Millicast can help you. Contact us at: