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Net Insight Launches Nimbra VA 210 Video Appliance for Cost Effective Contribution Over Unmanaged IP Networks

STOCKHOLM, Sweden,(16 Nov 2012)

Net Insight, a leading provider of efficient and scalable transport solutions for media, IP and broadcast networks, today announces the launch of its new Nimbra VA 210 video appliance that improves quality of service over unmanaged IP first-mile connections. The Nimbra VA 210 expands network footprints to offer media service providers the opportunity to address markets that are currently out of their reach, due to costs related to first-mile connectivity, enabling new channels for specialized content to be transported to users and subscribers in a profitable way.

Using unmanaged IP networks to deliver content with quality has been a long, sought-after goal for media service providers looking to capitalize on the benefits that transporting media over this type of network offer. However, unmanaged IP networks are engineered for best-effort data transfer, which results in low quality when used for video transport.  In areas such as remote sporting arenas and live events that target niche audiences, Net Insight’s Nimbra VA 210 offers media operators and broadcasters the opportunity to extend their network reach in an efficient way by using unmanaged IP networks to transport content with an acceptable level of quality for video contribution and in a way that significantly reduces costs for content creation and production.

By connecting Nimbra VA 210 video appliances to the nearest Nimbra MSR PoP, broadcasters can significantly reduce cost for first-mile connectivity and shift resources from transmission to content creation to improve their service offerings and attract new target audiences. 

“Until now, the high cost, availability issues and lease-times associated with managed first-mile connectivity has made the contribution and production of tier-2 and tier-3 events, such as regional sports, a prohibitive venture,” says Per Lindgren CTO and VP Business Development of Net Insight. “With the launch of the Nimbra VA 210, there is now a way for operators, service providers and broadcasters to overcome these challenges and begin addressing new markets suitable for cost-effective new media production.”

The Nimbra VA 210 incorporates content-aware Forward Error Correction (FEC), which reduces effective packet loss and selective retransmission of unrecoverable data loss. Coupled with clock synchronization, the Nimbra VA 210 can provide the reliable quality-of-service (QoS) layer that media operators desire to confidently ingest content over unmanaged IP networks. It also offers a fast time-to-market through the use of IP connections with short lease and provisioning times.

Net Insight’s new Nimbra VA 210 is scheduled for delivery at the end of March 2013.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

About Net Insight

Net Insight delivers the world’s most efficient and scalable transport solution for Broadcast and IP Media, Digital Terrestrial TV, Mobile TV and IPTV/CATV networks.

Net Insight products truly deliver 100 percent Quality of Service with three times improvement in utilization of bandwidth for a converged transport infrastructure. Net Insight’s Nimbra™ platform is the industry solution for video, voice and data, reducing operational costs by 50 percent and enhancing competitiveness in delivery of existing and new media services.

More than 150 world class customers run mission critical video services over Net Insight products in over 50 countries. Net Insight is quoted on the NASDAQ OMX, Stockholm.
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