StreamS/Modulation Index, LLC.

StreamS/Modulation Index, LLC.
  • 1249 S Diamond Bar Blvd #314
  • Diamond Bar CA 91765
  • USA
  • PH: +1 909 860-6760
  • FAX: +1 909 839-5995
  • Website
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Providing professional enterprise audio streaming solutions from ingest to output for over 25 years. Featuring StreamS enterprise audio encoders supporting high reliability and scalable HLS/MPEG-DASH, legacy ICY, AAC, HE-AAC, xHE-AAC/USAC, LOSSLESS, including SURROUND, for both live and file encoding applications with professional audio-only features. Synchronous metadata and content insertion using SCTE-35 provides segment cutting to provide on-time events. AES-3 and AES-67 compatible. Used globally, these are the encoders the pros use for high quality audio.

Product Description

StreamS HLSdirect™/DASHdirect™ and Legacy ICY Streaming Audio Encoders featuring all flavors of AAC including xHE-AAC/USAC and LOSSLESS,  Broadcast quality Audio Processing from Orban, AoIP PTP Master Clocks, IODigi2X and 8X for AES3 to USB I/O, AES67 Virtual Driver, PAD::bridge Metadata Bridge/Distribution, RadioDJ Pro for Audio Playout, and a full line of Enterprise Appliances.


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